Monday, June 29, 2009

Bowling Night

Even though I said it didn't really matter if we went or not, he still worked like a dog to get us tickets to see Adele at the Hollywood Bowl. Being unemployed has been an interesting roller coaster of a ride. The initial ascent being the hope of finding a job right out of school. All the little waves of ups and downs represent the many jobs that I've applied to ending in the dreaded..."we're looking for someone with more experience" email. And finally, the steepest butterfly-infested drop being the panic and desperation of months of sitting around your house, realizing your laundry consists solely of pajamas. Yup. Twas my life for the last 12 months. So, if you find yourself feeling tired from work or bitching about traffic and shithead bosses.....please. SAVE IT. You should be so lucky to have such complaints...hence stopping them dead in their tracks.

I've prefaced this post to help you understand how much a night out meant to me. It was like breathing fresh air after having been trapped in a port-a-potty for five hours. Hallelujah!!!

Phil scored box seats and a preferred parking permit for less than the box office price.

Note to self: don't wear flip flops or heels to the Hollywood Bowl.

Yes, we prayed the other 4 occupants would not show. And yes, we were denied the luxury.

Janelle Monae. I think she's an alien. And if she is, welcome to Earth, darling, cuz you are FANTASTIC!!!! This girl practically had a grand mal seizure on stage and then sang a ballad without missing a beat or a note. Mad vocals.

Chaka Khan was so funny and lovable! She was Etta James' replacement. Etta was ill.

She brought down the house!! I'm every woman!! CHAKA!!!

Finally, finally!!! Adele took the stage. And can I say....WOW. So hard to find someone who can sing live as well as they do in the studio. She was PHE-NOM-EN-AL, singing her album and a new track off her new one (not yet released). She even had the band do a little Thriller number in honour of Michael Jackson. The best part was....she seemed just as excited as us, if not more, to be at the Hollywood Bowl. She called her mum in Wales (6am their time) just to have the entire audience say hello to her! So cute!!

It was so much fun! Something was finally so much fun. Thank you to my husband for the much needed date night. My spirits are on the rise :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Love Hate Relationship

This is the last night of Milan's sleepover.  Is Bug happy?  Only the Dog Whisperer can tell us.  Even though Bug tries to kill Milan at least 5 times a day, in the end, I think they are brothers.  Just a big brother who gets really annoyed by his little brother. 

Finally, some brotherly love.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dog Day Afternoon.

Remember how Milan was sad and mopey yesterday?  Well I woke up to Milan hopping all over the bed and smacking me and Bug on our heads, telling us that it was a new day and there was much fun to be had!

For those of you who don't know, Bug doesn't like Milan.  He doesn't like any other dogs.  He doesn't even like his own reflection!  This is Bug guarding the dog food.  His stare is ominous.  And Milan is oblivious.

This is their "you are a crazy lady" look.  

He does this a lot.

Ah...summer days.

To Milan's mom and dad, here are the rest of the photos from today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So fun to fail!

If you need a good laugh, check out this website.  Here's a taste ...


Clara and Stevie will be gone for a few days, so Bug is gonna have a friend over!  Unfortunately, Prada is left out of this party.  :(  Poor girl.  But Milan will be able to stay with us.  I just hope he doesn't stand by the door, looking for Stevie the entire time.    He was moping around for a while until we all went to the dog park together.  He was quite popular, I must say.  

, originally uploaded by philandsandra.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bug Love Friday

He's good at catching bugs.....swatting them with his paw, then rolling on top of them with his back, trashing about like a crocodile and his prey.  He's good at that.  He's good at chasing birds and lizards...though we don't actually let him catch them.  He's a hunter...a tiny, tiny hunter.

Right now, he wants to hunt the thirty or so police officers outside our window.  Long story made short....surprise attack by the police with search warrants for two of our neighbors.  It's gang-related but that is the extent of my knowledge.  The folks in blue were here a few weeks ago, when this gang of idiots (that's what the officer called them)  shot up a house...on a Sunday afternoon, no less. 
We couldn't drive into our street for a while...and I had to pee!!  I don't know if they found what they were looking for, but I'm thinking of starting a neighborhood watch or just flat-out spying on everyone.  I thought that's what zoom lenses were for, no?

Look at this guy.  He loves Phil.  Finds him calming, like I do.  

I kills me, too.