Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tis' the Season!! Almost.

We were supposed to go apple picking with a bunch of our friends.  But the season ended a month early!!!  Our ecosystem is dying folks!!  Dying!  Sigh.  Luckily, we had plans to go pumpkin hunting at an awesome farm nearby.  This place is awesome.  It's huge, first of all.  And they tons of things for kids to do.  Even these miniature tractors they can drive around.  It's pretty great.  It was super crowded and most of the kids ended up having meltdowns by the end.  Especially W.  It was our bad, we didn't bring the double stroller to nap him.  Lesson learned.  But we had a blast watching all the adorable kids run around with each other.  I love this season, too. All the colors.  The food and smells.  Sweater weather, although not so much in Southern California.  I mean, it's warm here until.... November.  So uncool.  Literally.  

I'm so excited about the holidays coming up!!!  Who doesn't love the holidays, right?  And with W getting older, it's even better.  I don't think he understands the whole Santa thing yet.  He knows who he is...but only as the scary old man who wants to take a picture with him every year.  Sorry baby, but we gotta do it again this year.  He loves Christmas trees, snowmen, the lights, even wearing hats and scarves... all of it!  He was meant for winter, just like mommy!!

I think these two teach each other bad habits.  And will continue to do so for years to come. 
The next generation.

The Lee family made the long trip up, just to hang out with us :)

I hope this A does her hair like this for the rest of her life.

Red-striped tent!  Love it!

The best group shot I could get.  

My big boys.

How sweet are their faces, waiting for their turn on the tractor ride.

W had his eye on one particular one and went for it!

Cute, right?

They have this awesome wooden train.  The kids were all over it, like ants on candy.

W could not sit still!  

Guess what he's going to dress up as for Halloween?

Mommy, I like this one!

W was so proud that he could carry the heavy pumpkins.

 New friends.

Here, dude, I picked this one just for you.

Thanks, girl.  I love it.

Almost there.

As good as it gets.

We loved it so much, that we went back 2 days later on a weekday.  It was completely empty and completely awesome!  Because of W's meltdown that weekend, he didn't get to enjoy all that the farm had to offer, so we thought another trip would be fun.  Not to mention, we didn't get any pumpkins either.  So we had to go back, see!  

Love this face!

I actually needed this picture for an upcoming event.  Soon to be revealed :)

He still won't ride the train alone.

Is that a goat?

Even his silhouette is beautiful!

Sweet N, watching big brother play.

I am boy.  I have to climb!!

A mother smothers.

My little pumpkin in his patch.

 So many.

We jacked this wagon.

Daddy's pick.

Prettiest scarecrow ever.

W was working so hard to pull the wagon.

This is where he quit.  He just left it there after we had spent forever picking out the perfect pumpkins. LOL!

Like so many thing, I get to experience things for the first time along with my kids.  Like pumpkin carving.  I don't think I've ever done it.  If I have, I don't remember.  So it was really fun to do this with W.  A little scary, too because he kept wanting to hold the knife and carve it himself.  Eek!
He scooped some of the seeds out and got grossed out by the stuff inside. LOL!

Please don't cut yourself.  Please don't cut yourself.

My first pumpkin.  What do you think?