Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Say Cheese!

I know I'm going to be saying this a lot for the next 20 baby is growing up! Sniff. Teeth?! Already?!! More sniffing. Every time I see his smile now, I'm reminded of how much he has grown and how quickly this first year of his life is going by.

They're super cute but we weren't ready for them. We weren't ready to give up that adorable gummy smile! I guess I should be thankful that he wasn't fussy or in a lot of pain as they were cutting through. Still! I feel like they're saying, "I'm not a baby anymore, mom."

If there was a costume that made me look and sound like P, I would buy it and wear it all daylong because no one can make W laugh the way his daddy can. :)

In my eyes, W will always be a baby. Is that wrong? (Don't answer that.)


  1. So cute! I felt exactly the same way when Eggy got her first teeth. It just makes them seem so much... older. No longer a newborn, you know?
    I LOVE that 3rd picture. More specifically, I love his thighs in that picture. I want to squish them. Dang girl, your boob juice must be super nutritious!

  2. time for another one? :) and yes, look at them rolls!! i love it!
