Thursday, March 28, 2013

You Made It!

Let's party!  N is 100 days old!!  This means I have about 8 months to plan his first birthday party.  That's just not enough time!!  And I have W's 3rd birthday party to plan as well.  We totally didn't do anything for his 2nd birthday because I was all pregnant and nuts, so I gotta make up for it this year.  Trains.  That's all I'm gonna say.  It's going to be about trains.  Then 3 months's N's big Dohl!  I know it's stupid to think I have to do a lot for their birthdays, especially when they're so young.  I guess I just secretly love planning these sort of parties.  Also, I want them to look back on their pictures one day and know that we make a big deal about their birthdays because it is a big deal.  I'm so loving life with these two boys, I want to celebrate their births in a big way, know what I mean?  

We decided to keep N's baek-il celebration small and at home.  The truth is, we just don't have a location in the OC that would accommodate a bigger crowd, like the rest of P's family.  So, it was just the grandparents and a couple of good friends.  Plus, we're all sick again!!  Unbelievable!!

One thing I absolutely love about N is how chill he is.  I remember W at this age.  He was (and still is) very sensitive to the presence of others.  He really wasn't a fan of crowds and being fussed over.  N just took the whole thing in stride.  I thought he would lose when the grandparents were cracking up over something W was doing.  It. Was. Loud.  But he just sat there in his bouncer, taking it all in.My MIL rented the towers and brought the dduk.  And my mom did all the cooking.  It's been a long time since my mom had to cook for a party.  She used to do it all the time.  I remember this well because I got stuck cleaning the whole house by myself.  One of the disadvantages to being an only child.  Not to mention the fact that my parents are quite messy.  Anyway, she went overboard and cooked a whole bunch of stuff.  W, of course, was happy to have so many people to talk to about .... whatever it is he likes to talk about.  He spent the first 10 minutes showing everybody his new train, Belle.  So cute.  Our good friends and their little one came over later on and we all went for a nature walk around our neighborhood.  The kiddos had a blast throwing the ball around and making grandpa chase after it.  It was a really great day.  Good people and good food.  I wish we could do this everyday.   

Doesn't W look so big!?  BTW, that's his fake smile.
A rare family photo.

I don't know why they all look so surprised.  

My mom would kill me if I didn't take a photo of the spread.
The man of the hour.  Same outift W wore on his baek-il. 

1 comment:

  1. i miss you already N! awww... you and brady are two big boys! eemo loves you!!!
