Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby BOOM!!!

For that past year, all I've been hearing (as well as saying) is..."man, how did everyone end up getting pregnant at the same time???!" It beats the hell out of me. I always say it must've been something in the water. But I honestly have no idea. This baby boom is nuts! And we're not done yet either! I'm still waiting for a couple more to pop early next year. It's been so crazy...swapping pregnancy and motherhood nightmares (I mean, stories). It was definitely in God's plan to have so many of us start families around the same time. I can't wait to see W and all his new friends grow up together! All of us parents can hang out and not worry so much about our kids being different ages. How blessed are we?!

Why do I have a feeling these three will be doing the same thing in 30 years? Beers in hand, watching Monday Night football. Sigh. W already has a beer belly.

This one is more interesting, no? M and W made a dozen different faces during our little photo session. B, on the other hand, stayed pretty much the same with the exception of one yawn. I guess he's just too cool for school.

Here's W, hanging out with his OC gal pal. She's pretty much the new kid on the block, so she don't have much to say just yet. But soon they'll be chattin' it up, just like their mommas.

Just a taste of what our future gatherings will be like when I see my high school friends. The middle one's father is paranoid one of our little boys will date her in the future. Shotgun dad. I think she'd be lucky to end up with any of these little guys! We're missing one member though. (Don't worry, I've got Tylenol)

And finally, here's W with sweet little A. Why is he naked? He was hot!!! I think most babies are cold when they come into this world, but not my baby. He's just like his momma, always hot. He's a little embarrassed about it, I think.

Though it isn't easy, I think having these playdates are soooo important for W on so many levels. Luckily, he's surrounded by lots of babies his age and I doubt he'll have problems filling up his social calendar.


  1. omg its so cute seeing them sitting up together!!.ADORABLE!!
    I think Audrey was so happy to meet W !! she's got so many friends she's soo excited

  2. Stacy!! We want to meet Audrey!!!
    and I <3 those pictures of the boys!!! seriously i can see them in the future... beer in one hand and chicken/pizza in other? =X

  3. Too cute! I especially love that second picture. I'm going to pretend that W farted and the other two aren't too thrilled because they don't have the mobility skills to escape.
    Eggy wants to meet Baby W too! I promise she will be a good noona. Unfortunately, we are hardly ever in your area. Any plans to come to OC soon? We should meet up!

  4. Eggy Umma: LOL!! I think he farted too! We are in the OC occasionally for family stuff...I'm hoping W is able to hang out longer some time soon. He sure sleeps a lot and it makes going out super difficult cuz he cries cuz he's tired!! Did Eggy do this?
