Thursday, December 30, 2010

Naughty or Nice?

W's first Christmas It's fast every year, but this year....I need to see pictures to even believe it ever happened. For Christmas Eve, we went to mass in the OC with Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie C. It would've great, only I was super cranky from lack of sleep, what else. And the mother's room at the church...wasn't really a room and the speakers were super loud. It kept upsetting W. Then he was unable to fall asleep in the carrier like he usually does, so I had to walk around in a dark room on the other side of the building and sing lullabies to him. I'm not sure how long I was walking but my already half-size-larger feet hurt so bad, I had to take my shoes off to continue. It was freezing as well and W and I weren't dressed appropriately either. Go mom.

The next morning...we opened presents! P and I haven't exchanged Christmas gifts for several years now. I figure if we want to give each other something...we do it anyway all year long. But I just had to get W something, even though he won't be aware of what it is for a couple of years. I think it's perfect. Passing on the tradition of Star Wars fandom to our son. I love it! And it comes with sandwich cutters on the inside in the shape of the Millenium Falcon and TieFighter. I can't wait to make him PB and Js! W actually got more gifts from strangers than he did from family. I don't know if that makes me sad or relieved. But money is tight these days, so I guess I should be happy that a lot wasn't spent. Besides, I think W liked the Christmas tree the most anyway. He would just stare and stare at those pretty white lights.

1 comment:

  1. omg i saw phil in W in that one shot of his profile!!..i always thought he looked more like you..especially his eyes..but i was wrong!!! the little bow on his head..:)
