Friday, June 17, 2011

Mommy's been so busy with moving and settling into our new home, as well as taking care of baby W, that she has not been able to post for over a month. She's been working really hard to get our lives organized. I think that at this point, she has so much to blog about that she can't decide on what to blog about! I imagine that she will be writing about our new place and all the work that went into it pretty soon...and of course, more W.

In November 2009, I happened on a backpack hiking carrier for babies on the Steep and Cheap website. It looked comfortable, was about 70% off, and I figured that we would need it...someday! Little did I know that it would only be a couple months later that we would be expecting someone who would use the carrier in the future. Its been a year and a half since I bought the carrier and finally we got to put it to use! We weren't sure how W would like it, but he seemed alright with it.

I decided to take him out for a short hike close to our new place with Bug. I think he liked it, at least he didn't complain at all. He just looked around and took it in. He likes being outdoors.

Here we are taking a photo break by the creek.


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